

随着计算机技术,网络技术的迅猛发展,Internet 的不断普及,网络在各个领域里发挥了越来越重要的作用。特别是随着近年人民生活水平不断提高,旅游宣传用户带来了方便





With the rapid development of computer technology and network technology and the continuous popularization of Internet, network has played a more and more important role in various fields. Especially with the continuous improvement of people's living standards in recent years, tourism publicity has brought great convenience to users.

Driven by the rapid economic development, the development of tourism is also faster and faster. People have a great demand for tourism publicity. Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, it is very necessary to make a tourism publicity website of Yiwen village. Based on the development of others, this website has customized Yiwen village tourism publicity website with MySQL database and JSP. The front desk of the system realizes the functions of user registration, login, scenic spot information, hotel information and tourism dynamics, and provides the reservation of hotel information. The background of the system realizes the functions of adding, deleting and modifying scenic spot information, characteristic food, tourist routes, hotel information, hotel reservation and so on.

The development of this system not only makes Yiwen village tourism publicity website more convenient and fast, but also makes Yiwen village tourism publicity website more systematic and orderly. The system interface is friendly and easy to operate.

Key words: Yiwen village tourism publicity website; JSP technology; Mysql database; SSM framework


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景和意义 2

1.2现状和趋势 3

1.3研究项目内容 4

1.4论文结构 5

第二章 系统开发技术 6

2.1 JSP技术介绍 7

2.2 Mysql数据库介绍 8

2.3 B/S架构 9

第三章 系统分析与设计 10

3.1网站性能需求分析 11

3.2可行性分析 12

3.2.1经济可行性 13

3.2.2技术可行性 14

3.2.3操作可行性 15

3.2.4时间可行性 16

3.3系统结构设计 17

3.4数据库设计 18

3.4.1E-R图设计 19

3.4.2表设计 20

第四章 系统详细设计 21

4.1 本章简介 22

4.2后台功能模块—管理员功能模块 23

4.3后台功能模块—用户功能模块 24

4.4前台功能模块 25

第五章 系统测试 26

第六章 总结与展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 29






                                           {get sql="SELECT url, catname, catid FROM `phpcms_category`  WHERE `catid` IN ($c[child] = 0 AND$c[arrchildid]) and ismenu = 1" return="c1"}

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