





With the continuous development of the Internet economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the tourism industry has become one of the pillar industries of economic development. The tourism industry integrates food, housing, transportation, entertainment, shopping and other aspects. The core competitiveness of the tourism industry is tourism resources, which are the foundation for its survival. The sustainable development of the tourism industry places higher demands on the development and management of tourism resources. How to better meet customer needs and continuously improve service quality has become the key to development. As various industries enter the era of informatization, the informationization of the tourism industry is also the trend. This article utilizes internet technology to build a tourism website platform that is rich in functionality, simple and practical, and stable in performance.

The development and design of Dalian Zhiyun Tourism Website starts from the perspective of user applications, including various resource information during the tourism process. This system is developed using C # language and ASP. net technology. The database uses SQL Server 2019 to store data, and the development tool uses Visual Studio 2022. The main functions include introducing tourist attractions, querying information, booking hotels, booking tickets, message boards, and backend management modules. This system adopts the literature research method, conducts a survey of existing tourism websites through libraries and online access to relevant materials, collects the necessary information, and then summarizes the functions that the system aims to achieve through its own analysis; Then summarize the information, establish a backend database, and create the required forms; Next, write code to implement the front-end and back-end modules; Finally, integrate development and conduct final debugging. Through the development and design of website platforms, we aim to help more tourists understand the information of scenic spots in Dalian and actively promote the development of Dalian's tourism industry.

Keywords: JSP; Asp.net; MySQL database; Hotel reservations; Ticket booking

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